Where do they go to get the information they want or need? With this information you can tailor campaigns to the habits of the target group. Does persona A spend a lot of time on Facebook and does she work at a side job in the evenings? Then you don't send her a newsletter about a new white paper on a Friday evening. For example, all habits can be split into different groups and you can also tailor your content to them. Make sales & marketing work effectively and consistently Bringing in the right leads can be challenging. How do you address the target group? In what way do you communicate? By also making efficient use of personas internally with the marketing and sales departments.
The sales process is also made easier. to map out the characteristics of a persona, even before the first contact moment takes place. They ensure that both departments the phone number list same think in the same way and work streamlined. In addition, personas make it easier to qualify good leads. Where and how do you collect data about your target group? Without data you have no insight. That is why it is important to first obtain as much information and data as possible about your target group. There are different ways to do this, each way offering different insights. By collecting data from as many sources as possible, you can create very detailed personas that paint an extremely good picture of your target group.
Market Research For example, by conducting surveys within your existing customer base, you learn to understand the personality and needs of your customers. Here you can ask simple questions about topics such as budget, favorite brands or products, but also collect negative feedback about topics such as least favorite brand or product. You can also easily obtain this information from webshops, for example, by having customers fill in a profile in their customer account. Not only surveys provide insight into your customers. Research and see where your company and brand is being talked about on the internet.